The ultimate vitamins guide for better health and mood

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We usually think of the word vitamin in conjunction with good health. They’re nutrients you body needs to function properly.  But some vitamins are more beneficial than others and work harder in promoting good health.

Vitamins that are good for your heart

Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body.  You want it to stay strong – especially considering that heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. There are vitamins that can specifically promote heart health.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a vitamin that your body needs in order to produce hemoglobin, which is what carries the oxygen throughout the blood to reach your body’s organs efficiently. Vitamin B6 can help maintain a normal range of blood sugar levels 1, too.
Foods that are rich in Vitamin B6 are chicken breasts, oatmeal, pork loin, ready to eat cereals and roast beef. Some vegetable choices are Avocados, soybeans, lima beans and Garbanzo beans. Bananas are another choice for vitamin B6 consumption.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the synthesis of the red blood cells 2 and the maintenance of the nervous system. Low vitamin B12 levels can result in anemia and neuropathy. Neuropathy is the degeneration of the nerve fibers, which can cause various forms of nerve damage.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for proper blood flow and making sure each organ (including the heart) receives what it needs. The heart can’t pump blood efficiently without red blood cell production. Foods rich in vitamin B12 are meat, dairy products and eggs. Lesser-known items are soy products, seaweed and algae products.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a vitamin that protects your body’s cells from free radicals 3, which is what contributes to certain types of cancer. It’s also good for helping lower cholesterol so that blood can flow freely to and from your heart.

Foods that are rich in vitamin E are almonds, sunflower nuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and peanut butter. Vegetables that are high in vitamin E are spinach and broccoli. Fruit choices would be kiwi and mango.

Recommended intake of vitamin E for both men and women is 15 mg. a day. This is what’s needed for the development of a healthy heart. Children should consume about 7mg. daily for 4 year olds and up and 6mg. for the toddlers that are 1-3 years old.

Eating a healthy diet and exercising can promote a healthier heart. Sometimes, they aren’t quite enough to get your heart going. Vitamins can help kick start it so that it can function longer and you can live a longer healthier life.

The 5 most important health benefits of vitamin C

Whenever you got a cold or the flu, you may have heard your mom (and doctor) warn you to drink plenty of fluids and get extra vitamin C. That’s because this particular vitamin is able to help boost your immune system.

Orange juice with lemons for vitamin C

Drink orange and lemon juice for vitamin C intake

It’s preferable that instead of waiting until you’re already sick, you bulk up on vitamin C beforehand – to stave off any foreign invaders ahead of time. You can find vitamin C naturally in oranges and other citrus fruit.

Immune system & body’s natural defense system

Aside from boosting your body’s natural defense system, taking regular doses of vitamin C helps your body heal from minor cuts and wounds. Your tissues benefits from the intake of vitamin C as well, as do your teeth and gums.

This unique vitamin actually contributes to your absorption of other vitamins within your body, so a deficiency in vitamin C can have prohibit other nutrients from helping your health. Each organ needs certain vitamins to stay healthy and functioning properly. Vitamin C helps those other nutrients get carried out to the organs and tissues that need them most.

After an intense ab workout for men your muscles need vitamin C to stay strong and flexible, which can help lessen some of the pain you may suffer from now – or in the future.  It helps your joint muscles retain their resiliency so that they can bend properly with a good amount of pressure placed on them.

Detox – Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant

Vitamin C is also known to be an antioxidant, which helps eliminate free radicals within your body. This means that it can help prevent you from developing some types of cancer.

It can also get rid of toxic byproducts that can be produced from the fat metabolism. Because of its ability to neutralize the toxic byproducts, vitamin C is now known to help prevent heart disease.

It promotes healthy blood flow 4, which can help fight against atherosclerosis. The healthier your heart is, the longer you may live! Vitamin C can be purchased in pill form that you can get from your local grocery store or as a supplement online.

You can also find it in oranges, strawberries and cantaloupe. In vegetables, you can find it in tomatoes, broccoli and cabbage. If you’re not into fruits and vegetables, then it’s recommended that you drink a glass of orange juice every day. Get your daily dose of vitamin C and give your body the boost it needs to stay healthy!

Why iron is so important for your health

An iron deficiency isn’t obvious to spot, but it can wreak havoc on your overall health, leaving you feeling lethargic and tired 5 without an apparent explanation. Restless leg syndrome, anemia, dypsnea, and an odd disorder called pica are all a result of having a low iron count.

Restless leg syndrome

This causes uncomfortable feelings in your legs when you’re at rest and trying to sleep. It can cause insomnia because as you’re trying to fall into a slumber, your legs are still feeling like they need to get up and walk or move around.

Some people who suffer from restless leg syndrome, have reported that they experience involuntary movements with their legs when they’re at rest or an annoying tingling sensation that drives them to give up on getting rest so they get up and move around to make it go away.

The restlessness they feel usually can only subside when they move their legs around to wear them out. Although the exact cause of restless leg syndrome isn’t known, those who suffer say that an increase in iron helped alleviate the problem.

Anemia and dypsnea

Anemia is another condition that’s caused by an iron deficiency. Anemia is when iron levels are low for a long period of time without relief, which makes red blood cell production ineffective. This disorder causes chronic fatigue and weakness for the person suffering from it.

It can also cause dypsnea, which is shortness of breath. The low iron levels cause oxygen to not flow freely, therefore sapping you of energy. You can also experience heart palpitations and increased sweat production, and it can even lead to heart failure if left untreated!

Pica disorder

Pica is an odd disorder seen in people with a low iron count. Pica is a term used for those who crave unusual items that are considered not edible. Low iron causes your body to crave iron. Sometimes, this can result in people eating paper, buttons, and chalk – and in some cases – soil!

Pica can result in other hazardous conditions that may result from eating unhealthy items. Eating soil, for example, can cause a person to contract bacteria or microscopic worms. This behavior can sometimes be treated simply by consuming extra iron.

Low iron can cause excessive bleeding in menstruating women or women who shouldn’t be menstruating at that time. The blood is thinned to a point that blood clotting becomes a little more difficult and you could essentially lose other nutrients that your body needs.

If you think you’re low on iron, have your doctor run a simple blood test to find out if you’re anemic. You don’t want to take too much iron – just enough to get your levels back to a normal, healthy state.

The best 6 mood-enhancing vitamins & minerals to fight depression

Depression can affect anyone – and it usually will to some degree throughout life. It brings with it negative thoughts from worthlessness to guilt to inadequacy. It can also cause symptoms such as a loss of appetite, fatigue and lack of sleep.

When those symptoms surface, it makes coping more difficult. While it’s true that depression can be treated by medications and various treatments that mental health professionals advise and control, you can also provide yourself with some relief by using mood-enhancing vitamins to take the edge off and help you cope better.

Vitamin B group

Not only are the B group vitmans good for your heart like previous mentioned, but they’re also real mental health boosters:

  • Vitamins B1 and B3 are good for improving your mood. They can be found in lean meats, green vegetables, poultry and fish. They can also help alleviate the fatigue and loss of appetite you feel during episodes of depression.
  • Vitamin B6 is good for helping the brain produce serotonin, the feel good hormone. Serotonin is what our brain produces to maintain a healthy, positive outlook in life. Vitamin B6 can be found in foods such as whole grains, bananas, fish and spinach.
  • Vitamin B12 is good for producing other brain chemicals that enable us to have that feel good feeling. It helps us gain focus and clarity, removing the brain fog you might feel from time to time. It can be found in foods like fish, milk, eggs, poultry and liver.

You may notice that the first of the mood-enhancing vitamins mentioned are all in the B group! Doctors will often provide their patients will a Vitamin B booster if they’re experiencing a rough time emotionally.

Vitamin C again

Vitamin C is another excellent vitamin to help increase your mood and energy levels. Your thoughts are clearer and you can confront your problems a little easier. Vitamin C can easily be found in foods like citrus fruits and orange juice.

Folic acid

Folic Acid can help decrease the homocysteine levels within the body, which is what enables depression to take root in your thoughts. Folic acid can be seen in foods like liver, lentils, whole grain breads, potatoes, spinach and brussel sprouts.

The 4 basic minerals

The minerals that help eliminate depression are calcium, zinc, magnesium and chromium. They’re beneficial in improving your brain’s functions. When we think clearer and are more focused, depression is diminished.

Depression can be a serious thing to deal with. Always consult your doctor before taking these vitamins in case something stronger in a prescription form is needed instead. Use the vitamins wisely and they can help lift the depression that haunts you.


About Author

Jennifer Klein

Kale lover and partial fitness freak from Orange County.

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